Using Travel to Get Over Your Breakup

Read last week's installment here.
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Sunday, October 08

And awaaaaaaaay we go!

Okay peeps, I'm leaving in the morning for my vacation. 

That is all.

Sunday, October 15

After a feeble attempt from PC to ruin my vacation by telling me he wanted me back, I got on the boat and promptly forgot his name.  I took a quick nap in the big comfy bed and then got dressed up for dinner.  I sat with a few others who came alone, one man named Julio who only spoke French and Spanish.  So I got to practice my French at dinner all week!  I sang yokey a few nights, I was a huge hit.  People would stop me while we were in the ports and be like, "Oh, Jessica, you singing tonight?"  Anyway, Key West was a disappointment.  The beach was not as pretty as I had hoped.  Brown water and rocky sand.  I think I was on the wrong end of the island.  That night was formal night and I had about twenty pictures taken.  More yokey and dancing.  The next day was Playa del Carmen and I attached myself to two ladies who were heading to the beach.  I figured it was safer than me going alone to a downtown Mexican tourist city.  We hit the playa and a bar and did a lot of shopping.  That night I met some people my age and hit it off with a guy named Avi who I talked to at length about everything from politics to religion to stupid movies.  It was nice to have an intelligent conversation with a guy who actually knew what he was talking about.  Plus he was really funny.  We drank a lot and went dancing.  The next day I went to the art auction with Linda (one of the beach ladies) and then hit the upper deck for some sun.  That night Avi and I went to the Latin Fiesta show (think Vegas but more low-key) and then to the comedy show, which was friggin hilarious.  I was exhausted and Friday was the day we left so I crashed relatively early that night.  I saw Avi again on the bus to the airport long enough to exchange phone numbers and say "bye."  I got Linda's number, too.  Unfortunately the pic of me and Avi did not turn out, the drunk chick that took it didn't use the flash.  Haha. 

All-in-all I drank a lot, slept very little, and had the time of my life.

So now I'm home and I start my new job Monday.  I swear if it weren't for my two kids, I might not have gotten back on that ship when they dropped me off at Playa del Carmen.  Alas, they have my heart, and I had to return.  I suppose I could get us all some passports and make a run for the border... haha.

Tune in next week, when I get a little random with the blog updates.

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