Ways to Find Purpose in the Drama

Read last week's installment here.  
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Saturday, July 29

Lazy Saturday

I have nothing to do today so I'm surfing this massive site for people I once knew.  My friggin head hurts and I bet I'll go back to bed very shortly.  My babies went back to their dad's today.  Prince Charming is at work.  Not much to do but sleep, if you ask me.  Which you didn't.  But I'm telling you anyway.

Monday, July 31


Today is a year since I met my prince charming... in a karaoke bar.  Best year of my LIFE.  I'm dancing to some Dance Dance Revolution at Karen's tonight until he gets off work.  Funny, two grown women dancing to an X-Box game.  It's for the kids!  We swear.

Tuesday, August 01

I got engaged!

Prince charming asked me to marry him last night.   

Monday, September 11

Arrested Development

So, the engagement is off.  Nothing like a night in jail to convince you you're with the wrong man.  How many red flags does a girl have to see before she realizes what's best for her is to be without the one she's with?  Live and learn, I guess.  More to come.

Thursday, September 14

Pain and suffering

My GOD this is hard.  I want to talk to him so much, but I know it's not the right thing to do.  All he did was lie to me.  And he couldn't even admit it to himself that he was lying.  And he decides going out to a bar and hitting on a chick is worth screwing up what he said was the most important thing in the world to him.  But no matter how hard things were, and no matter how bad we were fighting, I was always happy to see him when he came home, I was always excited to hear his diesel truck pull in our driveway.  I couldn't wait to see his face when he would look at me like a little boy so happy to be home and in my arms.  But I know what this is, I know what this is... the bridge is burning and the smoke is in my eyes and I can't see things for what they really were.  I need to turn and walk away from this smoldering mass of dreams and wishes and realize that I'm not missing who he really was... I'm missing who I wanted him to be. 

Check in next week to see how I deal with the tattoo of his name. 

The Tattoo Cardinal Sin