Deployment Relationship Essentials

Read last week's installment here.
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November 11

I’d like to say a heartfelt Happy Veteran’s Day to all those who served before me, and those who have served beside me!  I haven’t done much as a military member, just sit behind a computer in Kansas, but I truly thank those that have given so much more to this country.  

PC and I are doing ok.  I got myself moved back in without too much incident.  I don’t know what he ever did with that ring, if that’s really what it was.  I asked about it once, and he said we needed to build some trust before he would be ready to marry me.  The holidays are coming and I hope I’ll get to meet his family, finally.  They don’t live far, but he says they don’t get along well, so I haven’t met them.  I think it’s weird, but any time I try to ask about them, he gets really defensive.  I think his youngest, R, is going to come stay with us for Christmas.  K gets along with Bug and Bean really well, I can’t wait for R to meet them!  Our fun little family! 

December 30

Boy I’m not great at consistent blogging, am I?  I know pretty much only my family and high school friends read this, and I wanted to give you all an update because I am going to be gone for a while.  I got pulled for a short-notice deployment to the desert and I leave in three days for a four-month rotation.  Bug’s halfway through first grade and he is so sad that I have to leave.  Bean is still too young to comprehend, but I am devastated that I’ll miss her second birthday while I’m gone.  Their dad is still going to honor the 50/50 custody schedule, letting my mom have the kids on my days, which is giving me some comfort.  Who knows what would happen if he kept them four solid months. 

I hate that I have to go; I’m nowhere near ready.  I had to requalify with an M-16 the other day.  Which is a complete waste of fucking time for a communications troop, if you ask me.  If the enemy makes it through the Marines occupying the area, the Soldiers guarding the city, and the Air Force Security Forces guarding the base and the buildings… my skills with a fucking M-16 are not going to save me.  I know at basic training some other chick was shooting my target, I am a horrible shot, that’s the only explanation as to why I qualified the first time through.  And this time, the guy had to poke an extra hole with his pencil to make it look like I passed!  I’m fucking doomed if the real military doesn’t hold up.  Ok, that’s not really funny, given the circumstances, but still.  Don’t give me a fucking weapon. 

PC is beside himself with worry, and his fears are manifesting in ugly ways.  Like, he has accused me of volunteering to go because I want to be away from him.  And he keeps making “jokes” about me finding a “deployment boyfriend” while I’m over there.  I really wish I didn’t have to go, because I’m fairly certain we cannot withstand a four-month, halfway-across-the-globe-long-distance relationship. 

December 31

PC proposed tonight!  He didn’t have a ring, but gave me a yellow twist-tie in front of our kids and they all cheered.  I am so happy, but so sad at the same time, because I do not want to leave.  But we were able to make it through his time in Nashville, and he wants to marry me, so I think we can make it through anything.  I leave on Monday.  Wish me luck. 


We'll pick up next week when I've returned from deployment to find my Prince Charming... waiting? or not waiting?

Read next week's chapter here: The Truth About Your Boyfriend