How NOT to Move On from a Breakup

Read last week's installment here.
New to the diaries? Start

June 15

Prince Charming is trying to work his way back into my life.  He keeps texting me song titles or lyrics of stuff we listened to together and trying to remind me of how much we loved each other.  I just can’t get over the lies!!  He would have to come completely clean about everything and admit that he’s a damn liar before I would consider getting back with him. 

June 17

So I’m going to meet PC for dinner at our favorite pizza place and we're going to have a “come to Jesus” talk.  Let’s see how much of a man he really is.  Can he admit and own up to what he’s done wrong? 

June 30

Oh, I bet you’ve been dying to find out!!  Ha!

Yes, actually he did take responsibility for his lies.  He was so apologetic and told me his TRUE life story.  We were out for hours, him just letting me really get to know him and his past.  It was a huge move for him and I could tell he was super uncomfortable about it, kind of defensive at times.  But he agreed to some couple’s counseling, if I take him back.  I think we’ll give it a little while and take it slow.  I cannot go through that again. 

July 25

Today I did nothing at work.  I am a migrant worker in the machine that is the United States Air Force right now and I have no real job.  After my deployment, they moved me to a lame shop that I have no training in whatsoever.  I only have about two months left of my enlistment, though, so there’s really no reason to train me on anything new.  So I sit at my desk and surf the web all day.  My Space is blocked by our internet filter, though, or my blog would be longer and more creative.  Prince Charming moved back in with me earlier this month and he has been amazing.  He has his issues, but so do I and somehow we complement each other exactly.  Funny thing that happened today (you gotta love airmen): I had to go get a new ID card and I said to the people I work with "Ugh, I don't want to... I didn't do my hair today."  This smart aleck airman in my shop said, "I know."  Ha!

July 27

Headaches and long lost friends...

Okay, so I've got this headache... I've had it for over a year now and it doesn’t go away.  I have had an MRI, injections, manipulations (think chiropractor on steroids)... tried 9 different meds including narcotics, migraine meds, and anti-depressants... I don't know what else to do but cut my head off.  But I think there might be a few people that would not like that idea... I go back to the doc today.  Again... it seems like I'm always there.  Anyway, enough of this garbage.  Random high school people are showing up in my friends on here.  I haven't seen or heard anything from some of these people in 12 years.  Amazing what My Space is doing for connections!  People I think I might have gone to elementary school with about 16 or 17 years ago... ugh I'm getting old. 

In next week's chapter we reach the highest high... and the lowest low.

Ways to Find Purpose in the Drama