How to Pick a Major

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Tuesday, May 01

Monday's blog

I wrote a long blog yesterday, but the blogs were jacked up so it didn't post. So to sum up, Mr. Wonderful got a fish hook in his eyebrow and I'm sore as hell because we got almost everything moved. 

That is all.

Monday, May 07

three weeks later...

I'm finally moved in!  WE'RE finally moved in, I should say.  All the crap is out of the old house and into the new one.  A lot of it is still in the garage of the new one, but we'll sort it out and put it away as we get the time.  I'm just happy to have it all in one place!  I still need to clean out the old house, like CLEAN it.  And get the three bags of clothes that I'm giving to Goodwill.  But that's IT I'm DONE!  WHEE!  I mean WE'RE done.  You get the feeling I feel like I did this all by myself, huh?  No, Mr. Wonderful was a big help, he just didn't do it MY WAY.  LOL  Which means it was all wrong.  It's funny because we're both like that.  He'll try to tell me how to surf the internet, like I haven't been surfing since the late nineties.  Or I'll tell him how to clean the litter box, like it's not a friggin easy task.  Anyway, we're getting better at it.  Trying not to annoy each other, anyway.

I went to WSU on Friday to see how far I am from my BS in ME (Mechanical Engineering.)  I want to be an engineer because I am good at math and I should make money at it... I want to do mechanical, as opposed to electrical, because I want to SEE what I've done.  Circuits and computer software just don't give me the same hard-on as does watching something move or be built because I had a part in it.  So ME it is.  Well, I am LIGHT YEARS away from it.  It was very daunting hearing her tell me I had so much left to do.  I mean, I have TWO associates can't we just add them together?  LOL  Anyway, I told Mr. Wonderful about it and he was super supportive and said that if we can't get me in as many classes as possible with the schedule I get from my current job in July, then I can quit and just get something that will just make up the difference between the GI Bill money and my old income.  He said I might not have to work at all, but I'm not sure we could make it if I didn't.  Maybe at the old house, but not in the new one.  It's about a 270 dollar raise in rent.  But it's perfect and we love it so much.  The dog is even being better, he loves it too.  I could probably just work at Hooters and make up the difference.  Ha!  Hell I could probably make as much at Hooters as I make now! 

I guess I don't have anything else interesting to report right now.  Isn't that a bummer.  OH I'm taking my son to Phoenix this summer with my BFF, Karen, and her three heathens.  So me and K, on the road with four boys, ages 8-10.  WOO!  Someone's getting left at a rest station.  I can feel it.  This is all, of course, if my asshole ex-husband will let me have Bug for the extra days to take him with us.  And since he is asshole, that's really a toss up.  But we'll see. 

Anyhoo, that's it for now.

Tuesday, May 08


We have to do this thing in my job where we transfer everything that has to do with other departments to that actual department instead of handling all the issues with one rep... sales to sales, billing to billing, disconnects to the loyalty department, etc… like if someone even says they want to upgrade their internet I have to send it to sales.  Well it's really pissing me off that when I have to xfer someone to sales the bitches don't want to take the fucking call.  Especially when it's something they did wrong, like they installed at the wrong address and they need to redo it or someone got disconnected too early… friggin sales issues and they get all snotty with me on the phone!  I will fuckin hit a biotch, I ain't skerred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD this job irritates me BEYOND COMPREHENSION!!!!!

Tuesday, May 08


I anticipate being in bed early tonight.  I am a sleepy girl.  I did Mr. W’s homework last night and we were in bed by midnight, but it was a fitful night's sleep, you know what I mean?  Tossing and turning and just waking up feeling like you got NO sleep whatsoever?  Sucks. 

Tonight I want to hang up the pics I didn't hang up last night.  I also need to get my happy butt to the mall and spend my Bath and Body Works moneys! 


That is all.

Thursday, May 10

virtual Friday, WHEE!

I hate this job, I hate this job, I hate this job.

Okay, now that that's out of the way. 

Last night was awesome.  Mom made dinner, the kids ate very bit of their food, mom cleaned the kitchen... (yay!)  Bug and Bean both took their baths with little to no complaining.  Bug and I made the "chore board" so we can give them stars for doing the things we need them to do and to help them remember their responsibilities.  Mr. Wonderful and I have chores on there, too.  Bean and I played shadow puppets by the light of her night-light for a little while when I tucked her in, she loved it.  Mr. W had to do homework and I read a little bit while he finished up.  He practiced his final calculus presentation for me, he used Bean's chalkboard.  I think he's going to do a really good job.  We're hoping he can pull a B in that class, but he's probably sitting at a C.  I require too much attention, he hasn't spent enough time on his school work.  That's just my guess, he would never say that to me.  Once we're in the same classes it will be easier for him because we'll be doing them together.  The kids got up pretty easily for me this morning and I wasn't late for work.  So all-in-all, except for having to come to work today, it's been a good couple of days. 

That's it for now, I guess.