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Tuesday, April 10

total loss

So the car is a total loss.  They want to give my bank 12 thousand on a loan that I owe 21 thousand on.  I have "gap" insurance, but that requires that I fill out another 800 pages and then send them 14 pieces of proof about the accident.  I don't know why I'm bothering, since the BIG B is going to take care of all of it anyway.  But whatev.  I have to turn the mini-mini-van rental back in on Monday so I need to figure out what the hell I'm going to do about a car.  Mr. Wonderful has two vehicles, but neither has a back seat suitable to transport children.  We could get a back seat for one of them from a salvage yard.  My mom can finance me a car and I could take on another payment.  I could take my savings and buy a beater that will get me from A to B.  If I do that, I'd have to put it in mom's name anyway so they can't take it in the BIG B.  Mr. Wonderful could finance a car (he's thinking about it anyway) and we could share the payment and I could drive it on the days the kids need transporting.  I hate the thought of a car payment, I have to tell you.  I really just want to get a two thousand dollar car and liability insurance.  That drains my savings, but it would be nice to not have to ever make a car payment.  Especially with my 1100/month budget deficit. 

Oh man, I hate stress.  I am getting sick.  Stress is weakening my immune system.  I have been pulling out my eyelashes, an old habit I only fall into when I'm really stressin'.  Keep tweezers away from me or I'll go at my eyebrows, too.  I'm going to sit on my hands to keep from pulling any more.  Which means I can't type.  So while I'm still permitting myself to type I'll say that I pulled something in my hand last night, and it pops on my palm when I straighten out my index finger.  So I'm sitting here with a little claw on my right hand and I look like a stroke patient.  Which isn't funny, really.

Trying to be a duck.  Trying to be a duck.  Trying to be a duck.

Wednesday, April 11

We now join your regularly scheduled program, already in progress...

So Mr. Wonderful, in one afternoon, got a backseat for the car, fixed the front seat so I don't have to drive on the gangster lean, put the backseat in, ran the seatbelts, cleaned and vacuumed the car and checked the oil and transmission fluid for me so it would be ready for me to drive when the mini-mini-van goes back. 
He also looked at this little house up the street and did a little pre-inspection of it to see if it would be someplace that we might like to move to.  He liked it and he took me to see it (even chauffeured me while I sat in the new backseat).  It's perfect for us and so we're going to drop off an application to the couple tonight.  Take the kids and let them see it, too.  Mr. Wonderful was so excited about us getting our first place together.  We went and sang yokey last night, so he was drinking, which meant he started talking about getting married... haha.  I am really happy about things right now.
Bug got his braces on today.  Four braces and bands on the back teeth (top and bottom) and the palate expander thingy for his upper jaw.  He was a trooper, I'm so proud of him.  He was pretty bummed about not getting to chew gum or eat hard sticky candy.  And I'll have to really get on him about brushing.  But it will all be worth it when his mouth doesn't turn out looking like his dad's. 
That's all the news that's fit to print. 

Tune in next time when I’m getting ready for the big move!

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