A Big, Juicy Rant

Read last week's installment here.
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Monday, May 21


So okay... there are newsletters posted in the bathroom stalls for our reading pleasure, I guess... one of the articles is about giving customers the same deals they can get from telemarketers in our company.  No, the answer is that we can't, but if they really make a fuss we can do it with supervisor approval rather than (and I quote) "loosing a customer."  LOOSING????  Sweet fucking christ.  These are the people we pay to represent the company? 

Second idiot of the day... sometimes on the screen some of the equipment displays "one moment please, initializing system."  This a-hole said "it says 'one moment please, iniling system."  INILING?  How exactly does one "INILE" something????? 

Do I just expect too much from people?  I mean HONESTLY!

Monday, May 21


After the customer thought he had hung up the phone, he said to his wife...

"Well, there's your e-mail, mama, if you want to read it... Hell, you got fifteen hundred messages."

I think it's so cute when men call their women "mama."

Tuesday, May 22

daily rant

So okay.  Yesterday when I was working on the Bowflex Mr. W came in and said "Did you enter your resistance on the control pad?"  Yes, I did.  I read the instructions the same as you.  Then he comes in and says "Is there a timer on it?"  Yes, there is.  The little thing that's ticking away the seconds.  Then I got done and he's like, "That was quick.  Is there a timer on it?"  YES, THERE IS.  YOU JUST FUCKING ASKED ME THAT. He asked how it was and I said it was kind of hard.  He said, "Are you going to lower the resistance?"  No, I thought I'd just pray for stronger legs overnight.  It's like he doesn't trust me to do ANYTHING right!!!!  I realize he's just trying to help but it drives me crazy!  Then last night I was cleaning and doing laundry and he's cooking his stuff for lunches and whatnot.  He kept saying "I'll help you in a minute."  Well he never did.  I went to bed alone while he finished everything he needed for himself.  I had asked him to put together some ab exercises for me on the other Bowflex but he didn't do it.  It's like if it doesn't have anything to do with him he forgets about it.  And finally this morning after I was done doing the ab exercises I made up on my own with the help of Shape magazine, he asked did I feel it.  I said, "Not really."  He said "Do more."  I DON'T FUCKING HAVE TIME TO DO MORE!  I'M ALREADY GETTING UP TOO DAMN EARLY AS IT IS AND I DON'T HAVE A JOB WHERE I CAN JUST SHOW UP WHENEVER I WANT AND NOT HAVE ANY CONSEQUENCES FOR IT!  I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO FUCKING SPEND AN HOUR DOING CRUNCHES!  I ALREADY ASKED FOR YOUR FUCKING HELP AND YOU DIDN'T HELP ME SO KEEP YOUR GODDAMN NOSE OUT OF IT AND DON'T TRIVIALIZE IT LIKE I CAN JUST "DO MORE" WHEN I JUST SPENT ALL THE TIME I HAD LAST NIGHT CLEANING YOUR FUCKING HOUSE AND DOING YOUR LAUNDRY AND ALL MY TIME THIS MORNING TRYING TO DO CRUNCHES WHILE YOU LAY IN BED AND THEN SAY "OH JUST DO MORE." 

All I really said out loud was "I don't have time."  He said, "I mean next time."  I said, "I don't have any more time to spend on it!"  He said, "Oh, I'm sorry."  HE'S SORRY BECAUSE IT NEVER CROSSED HIS MIND THAT I HAVE OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES TO TAKE CARE OF.  BECAUSE HE ONLY FOCUSES ON HIMSELF AND WHAT HE HAS PLANNED AND IF YOURS ISN'T THE SAME THEN HE CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO THINK ABOUT THAT.  FUCK.

***by the way, Mr. W doesn't "myspace" so he never reads these***

Next week, I get my first glimpse into the world of MACROS.