Counting Macros Before it was Cool

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Thursday, May 24

So I was pissed off at Mr. Wonderful last night. He's doing this high-protein diet thing. I found a paper on the table, a notebook sized paper, FILLED with figures like how many grams of protein/carbs/fats, etc are in what types of food, handwritten by him. He has two little notebooks that he's writing everything he eats and how many grams of whatever. And the last few nights he's spent just cooking a bunch of stuff he can take for lunch and whatever. It's like he gets so involved in something (that has nothing to do with anyone else) and he just forgets about the rest of the world. I mean, I know he's spending all day at work doing these little charts and notebooks and yet he says "I can't e-mail you so much tomorrow, baby," or "I can't take a lunch to come see you, I'm really busy." So then last night we're at mom's for dinner and he's reading labels and checking portion sizes. I am trying not to gorge myself with my new diet and stuff, but I'm not going to kill myself over counting calories, especially when mom made dinner. (And I think I'm doing a great job, by the way. I cut out fast food, candy and soda. So that's huge.) So that was annoying, then all he did was yell at Bean. And I mean he was really being mean, I thought! He sounded like Dickhead! He was like, "Bean, shut your mouth and eat your food." I was so pissed. Then she ate everything but a few little carrots, which is huge for her, and I was like "You did a great job, baby girl!" Mr. W was like "You missed some." No, she's fine. Then later we were home (he had to drive the new car even though the kids were in it, that's something else, he is all over this car now, like Bean got in and there was some grass on her feet and he was like "Aw Bean!" and he has to drive it every day even though we were supposed to share it and we're both going to pay for it. I have it today because I HAVE to have the backseat, but he's just being so selfish with it.) Anyway, we went home and me and the kids went to Wal-Mart. Mr. W wanted to mow. Okay, whatever. Bean yells "I love you!" and we leave. So we go, get the invitations to Bug's birthday party and come back. She got a lollipop and wanted to put it in the fridge. Mr. W wouldn't let her. Why the hell not? "Lollipops don't go in the fridge." Uh, SO? What's it going to hurt? "It's going to make it all sticky. Oh, wow, in that ONE spot. So he made her throw it away. I'm filling out invitations and Bean brings out her Dr Seuss game and starts to play with it. She says to Mr. W "Am I doing a good job playing with my game?" He said, "I'll tell you that you're doing a good job when you actually learn to play it." GASP! I was like "You're doing a great job, sweetie, thanks for playing nicely like a big girl." Then I get them to bed, and I go to bed too. He's still up writing in his notebook and cooking. I was pissed at him. And I had the WORST dream...

Read all about it in the next chapter….