What Dreams Can Tell Us About Ourselves (Part 1)

Read last week's installment here.
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We were in a house somewhere that had a big front yard.  My mom was there.  I saw someone coming through the front yard on a riding mower carrying a vase of flowers.  He was kind of winding around and I was wondering if it was a surprise for me and Mr. Wonderful kept glancing at the door, so I pretended I didn't see it.  The guy on the mower went out of sight and I was kind of disappointed.  Then someone knocked on the back door.  The guy gave me the vase and it had roses in it, about four or five of them.  I hate roses.  I was so disappointed that Mr. W didn't remember that I hate roses.  Then there was this ONE flower that was really big and it was kind of flat and turned up at the edges, it was really pretty so I forgave him for the roses thing.  Then I ATE the roses in a taco with rice.  (??)  And I was disappointed AGAIN because I thought I ate the big pretty one, but then I realized I didn't.  I went back to look at it and wondered what kind of flower it was.  I saw his receipt lying on the counter (this house was set up kind of like my house in base housing) so I looked at it.  He paid $140 for TWO sets of flowers.  I got upset and asked who the other flowers were for.  He looked guilty and wouldn't tell me.  I got really mad and I yelled at him and then went to take a shower.  I came out and he had packed a bag and was lying on the couch watching Star Trek.  He said he was leaving.  I tried to lay with him on the couch and he said there was no room.  I started bawling and begging him to stay and he said he wouldn't.  I even told him he could keep his other girlfriend if he wanted to, just please don't leave.  He was so mean and just didn't even touch me or acknowledge that I was there.  I can't remember much after that, just the intense heartbreak and crushing sadness of losing him.  I woke up crying.  I told him about it and he told me that he loves me and would never leave me.  Then he said he was tired so he was going to sleep in. 

To be continued...