A Christmas Quickie

Read last week's installment here.
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Wednesday, September 27

lazy blogger...

So I haven't had much to say in a few days... maybe it's because I'm ashamed of myself for still talking to PC.  I went through that whole dramatic "goodbye" post and I STILL can't let go.  I covered his name tattoo, I dyed my hair, I changed my phone number, I did all these drastic things to symbolize being over him and I'm NOT.  So.  Now what?

Wednesday, September 27


I've been sober... I mean, on the wagon... that is, the wagon where I don't talk to PC... for 15 hours.  It was a rough night.  I can't wait until K Ry goes on nights so I can call her and not worry about waking someone up.  I told him at 4:30 yesterday afternoon that while I appreciated his help, I need to do the rest on my own.  He said, "good luck jessie."  Let's see how long I can handle this.  This has to be the end.  Or, wait... let me be more positive... this is the beginning...

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