Why Retail Therapy Really Works

Read last week's installment here.
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Wednesday, September 20

Got an iPod… and to luncheon or not to luncheon...

So I bought an iPod today and I'm working on getting a nice library loaded onto it... whee!  I need to get whatever thingy it is that lets you use it in your car.  Or whatever.  And I need ACCESSORIES!  I LOVE accessories!  Jessie's going to BEST BUY to-ni-ight. 

So I am trying to decide if I should have a going away luncheon on base.  I mean, I've been there for five and a half years.  SOME of the people that knew me are still there.  I wonder who would come?  You know what I'd really like to do?  HA!  Schedule it for whatever time and whatever place and send out the e-mail... not even show up and when everyone gets there have the waitress come out with a message for them all... "SUCKERS!"  Sorry, I'm a little bitter about my time there.  But if I had one and no one showed up it would hurt my wittow feewings.  Hmmm... we'll see I guess.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Who am I trying to kid?

I don't know if it's the weather or what but I am falling apart today.  Do I really think I'll be ok?  Do I really think I can handle this life? 

Self-doubt directly proportional to contact with PC.

Sunday, September 24

Sorry for the delay my little chickadees...

It has been a little minute since I posted my last blog... Sorry about that.  Things are basically the same here.  I am steadily trudging along.  (Haha, random movie quote: "You know... to trudge: the slow weary walk of a man that has nothing left but the impulse to simply soldier on.")  I am finished with my AF career this week.  Nothing but a few outprocessing appointments left to complete.  Yay!  Still hoping the pain will go away.  Still hoping I can get rid of this marching band that parades through my chest every day.  They just don't want to SHUT UP!  It's the withdrawal symptoms.  Nausea, heart pounding, shaking... As long as I keep feeding my addiction, I'm never going to get better.  Maybe until the drug loses its appeal.  Like my previous break-up with Dream Boy where I found myself thinking "okay, just shut up, you're only here to look pretty."  I guess I can hope for that because I am apparently unable to kick the habit on my own free will.  I am just not that strong.

Sunday, September 24

today's plan

Today I must balance my checkbook.  I must go to wal-mart and deposit my check and get some food for my house.  I must go to the mall and get some warm clothes.  And I must get the accessories for my iPod.  Okay, maybe those last two aren't "musts" but I want to do them anyway.  So first a shower.  Later taters.

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