Awesome Activities for Breakup Recovery

Read last week's installment here.
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Wednesday, October 18

My new job training is irritating the hell out of me.  So slow and unorganized.

The weather today made me think of PC and how excited I was this time last year because he was moving back from Nashville and we were moving in together.  That lasted a whole three weeks, but whatev.  I was missing him hard core.  Missing the dreams we had, mostly.  Ones I thought were important to us both.  Anyway, I had to call Karen to get through the weak moment, I almost texted him.  (gasp)

I am in training all day and I work in the mall all night... I am fucking tired but I can't sleep to save my life.  My house is a mess and my hamster is going to die of loneliness. 

People want to be my friend on here but I have no idea who they are and I feel like an idiot, because obviously they know me.  Or they're really good stalkers.

I was too tired to go sing last night.


"She said I think I'll go to Boston...

I think I'll start a new life,

I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,

I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,

I think I'll get a lover and fly em out to Spain...

I think I'll go to Boston,

I think that I'm just tired

I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...

I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset,

I hear it's nice in the Summer, some snow would be nice...

Boston... where no one knows my name..."

Okay, enough wallowing.  Going to play with the kiddos and then sing tonight for sure.  The yokey guy where I sing now said he'd never heard anyone do Jewel better than I do.  That's nice.


Saturday, October 21

Man, what a week.  I am exhausted.  I was in training at my new job every day from 9-5 and I still worked in the mall every night from 5-10.  Well, except Wed and Thurs, those days I didn't work in the mall.  I was hanging with the kiddos.  Which is equally tiring, haha.  Mom is working today, so I didn't get to sleep in, but that's alright.  Me and the kids are going to play hide and seek.  Bean just recently learned how to keep quiet in her hiding spot.  She's a riot. 

Anyhow, not much to vent or rant about, things have been really great lately.  I've just been working my ass off, staying really busy.  Hoping I can keep the ends together when Bush stops paying me!  So off to hide and seek I go.  Have a nice weekend, guys.

Monday, October 30, 2006

SO busy...

I haven't posted anything in a while and I'm sorry for that... I know you guys are wondering... "What the hell is Jess doing these days?"  Well let me tell ya...

So last week I worked the same thing I always work... closing in the mall every night but Wed and Thurs, training all day Mon-Fri.  Wednesday night I took the kids to get costumes.  Bug is going to be Aragorn from LOTR and Bean is going to be a witch.  For a change.  Haha.  Thursday night we carved punkins.  Yay!

Friday night I stayed up late after work for no good reason.  Saturday I got my cable hooked up.  Whee!!!!  I got dressed up as a flapper for the costume festivities Saturday night.  My date was a 20s style gangster to match me.  We had tommy guns.  We were hot. 

Life is going really well, I am happier than I've been in a long time.  I'm living my life for myself and for my kids and I'm not letting anything mess me up.  Boys are around and want my attention, but I'm being picky and I'm not trying to please everyone.  I'm dating a little bit which is not to say that I'm fucking a little bit because I'm not.  I like a little love with my sex so I'm not trying to sleep with people I don't care about.  I'm just really proud of myself and the things I'm accomplishing right now.  Go me.

Next week we get a short winter update before the next big event!

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