How to Tell You're Moving On

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Wednesday, December 06

Okay, so I know, I never blog anymore...

Life has been crazy busy anymore.  I'm still working the new job and the mall job.  I had to cut back my mall hours so I can see my kids!  I have a new beau, he gets some of my attention, too, but not in a sick needy way.  Which is nice.  Now that I'm not in a freaky, controlling relationship I also have friends that I talk to and see semi-regularly.  My training will be over soon and I'll get a new schedule so I can sort of get things evened out and get a routine going that will be healthier for me and the kids.  Right now it seems all I do is go, go, go!  But I need to get things settled, it will be better for all of us. 
Money is really bad right now, though, so if anyone wants to send me charity, I would appreciate it.  I was better off monetarily when I was active duty, but I would rather have the pinched pockets than the SHIT I had to put up with when I was under Bush's thumb.  I'm a free woman!  And that's worth all the money I don't have. 
So my birthday is next weekend and we're going to the hibachi grill and then to SING some YOKEY because THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO DO AND IT'S MY FRIGGIN BIRTHDAY SO WE'RE GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO!  (vague reminder of the scene in Moulin Rouge where the Duke says "I JUST DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE TOUCHING MY THINGS!")

Anyhoooooo... I'll try to post more often since this is how most of you get your news on my life.  LOL  Maybe you should try CALLING me sometime.  HAHA!  Love you guys.

Tune in next week to meet the new beau!

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