How to Tell if He’s Mr. Wonderful

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So I'll really try to blog more, I swear

So okay, I'm working just the one job now.  My boss at the mall lost her mind and I had to quit.  They don't pay me enough for that kind of stress, it's a friggin MALL store.  Jeez.  Anyway, my schedule at my real job sucks balls.  2-11 every day but Wed-Thurs.  I see the kids for a few hours on Wed and Thurs evening and that's about it.  Once the bf starts his new job, I'll never see him.  He's going to be working days.  What sucks is that this company is amazing.  Great bennies, great atmosphere, great peeps... it's just a crappy schedule.  I'm half-heartedly looking for another job.  But I'll probably just stick it out here.  The raise structure is good and promotion opportunities are abundant.  So I'll see how it goes. 

The kids are fantastic, my daughter turned 3 last weekend.  Amazing.  Bug is doing really well.  School is going well for him.  He needs to read more.  But that'll come in time.  He's really being a big wuss about doing anything, though.  He's always like *in my whiny voice* "I caaaaaaan't."  I am SO putting that kid in tackle football this year.  Toughen him up!  Baby Bean continues to make me smile with her attitudes and facial expressions and funny sayings... but the constant crying has got to stop.  She's so sensitive!  (I know, I know, look who's talking, right?)

The bf is wonderful, pretty much the most amazing man God put on the planet.  He is sometimes a little oblivious to the world, like he doesn't really notice stuff.  But he adores me.  And I adore him.  So it works for us.  Plus he doesn't let me go crazy.  I'll get all bitchy for no reason and he'll be like "Woah, I don't really deserve that."  And then I gotta be all, "okaaaay, you're right."  And just now I got a text from him saying "30 minute lunch at 6:30... what would you like me to bring you?"  I can't even remember what time my lunch is from day to day, but he remembers and he knows I won't have time to get anything so he'll bring me food.  Awwww, what a nice guy.  (I'm asking for Taco Bell, if you're interested.)  My mom says she can't believe he's as young as he is.  (he's 5 years younger than me)  She thinks he's great, the kids love him too.  And Donny even loves him, as I found out last weekend at a party where the two of them got incredibly drunk and professed their love and respect for one another.  During which Donny looked at Mr. Wonderful and said, "You've been drinkin'."  Which was the understatement of the night!  HA!  And imagine that, Donny saying that someone else was drunk? 

It's cold at my desk.  BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.  It's like we had one nice day and they crank up the AC.  Someone turn on the heat!

Next week we deal with some drama.

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