How to Handle the Death of your Childhood Dreams

Read last week's installment here.
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Tuesday, April 24

Daily blog…

Nothing much new today... I cleaned the outside of the fridge last night and made the kids' beds and crashed out.  Mr. Wonderful had to study for a calc test so he was MIA.  I missed him.  I like that.  I mean, not that I like it when he's not around, but I like that when he's not around I miss him terribly.  I get all excited to see him.  Just a happy thing we have going on here.

I have to go to the mall tonight to get Bug some shorts.  Mom is going with me.  Mr. Wonderful is moving stuff.  He's moving like a man, though, and he knows how that stresses me out so he told me I'm not allowed to see what he's doing.  LOL  He likes to protect me from things that upset me. 

Okay, well I now have an asshole on the phone and I feel like I'm going to have to yell at him so I need to get my bitch-glasses on.  Not like they're ever very far from me, haha. 

Later taters

Wednesday, April 25


I came to a slow but painful realization last night that I will never be a writer for a fashion magazine.  Many of you may not know this, but that was my dream in high school and junior high.  I wanted to go to an all-girl's college and get my degree and move to NYC and write for a fashion magazine.  Edit one, even.  Well, I went to Sweet Briar College and got it all started, but I dropped out to get married.  And those of you that know me well know that I consider that my biggest mistake. My biggest regret.  Other dreams have come and gone.  I wanted to teach.  I wanted to go into broadcasting... radio or television.  Maybe write for a newspaper.  And currently I'm trying to go back to college to get a degree in mechanical engineering so I can do math for a living and make lots of money.  I guess I'm just grieving for all the things I'll never be. 

The things I AM however... I am a good mom and my children love me.  I'm a good daughter, my mother is very proud of me.  I'm loved very much by a wonderful man that, for some weird reason, thinks I am wonderful too.  I am good at this job that I hate.  I am going to be free of the debts that have consumed my finances.  I am a good friend.  I am smart and talented and funny (and humble, haha.) 

I think another thing I am is done.  Until next time.

Tune in next week when I lose my fucking shit.