What Not to Do When You Move Homes (Part 2)

Read last week's installment here.
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To set the scene, we’re moving a fridge into Wichita in the back of a truck and I’ve got an ice pack on my face.

We stop at Lowe's to get a dolly to help us move the fridge into the house.  I'm walking fast through Lowe's because I want to get this done and he says, "You're walking too fast, you're going to get into a wreck and you're going to total your ass and they couldn't write me a check big enough…"  What he meant was they couldn't pay him enough to make up for me losing my ass, but it just SOUNDED awful!  Then we go to the new place and unload the fridge.  It's after nine by now and he wants to go out to dad's and get the trailer.  So we go to dad's.  The trailer is hooked to dad's truck and we don't know what he wants us to do with it, but dad's not there.  So we started watching Goldmember.  They got home at about eleven and said we could have the trailer but we had to unload it first.  A dresser, credenza and roll-top desk.  Ugh.  So we did that, then unhooked dad's truck from the trailer and hooked up Mr. W’s truck.  Midnight.  We head home.  Mr. W backs the truck up to the back door (which was a feat, it's hard to back a trailer) and we realize that we don't have the keys to get into the trailer or even get the truck unhooked.  They're still in Rose Hill at dad's.  *sigh*  So we take the truck to the new house and park it on the side street because not only can we not get into the trailer, we can't get the trailer off the truck.  We go home and say we'll call dad first thing in the morning and go get the keys.  Well we're about to go to bed when my phone rings and it's dad and he says he'll drive the Harley into town and bring us the keys Sunday morning.  Okay.  So nine a.m. dad calls and says he'll be there in 30 minutes.  I was going to sleep longer but Mr. Wonderful says, "Dad and Maki are going to want to see the house."  Oh god.  So we get up, take them to see the house, they leave, we take the trailer to the place on Harry and start to back it in.  Then we go to get food and I wanted breakfast but he went to Wendy's, yuck for breakfast.  But whatev.  So he's like "let's start putting stuff in the trailer."  I was like "we haven't packed."  He's like "just throw it in black plastic bags, it's just right down the street."  I was in chaotic hell all day.  You know I have to have stuff ORGANIZED.  But we moved the kid's room, our room and the bathroom, mostly.  The stuff is still on the walls and the rooms are trashed at the place on Harry, but what do you expect with this haphazard way of moving????  We slept at the new place, took the animals and stuff.  Larry (the cat) freaked out.  Paco (the dog) won't go into the backyard, he just stands at the garage door and barks.  Our neighbors hate us already, I bet. 

I LOVE moving, but NOT LIKE THAT.  I am SO SORE, we had no help, so my huge bedroom suite, the bunk beds, etc we moved just me and him.  I can't walk today.  I am going to bed as soon as I get home.

Tune in next week when I reveal my biggest regret.