What Not to Do When You Move Homes (Part 1)

Read last week's installment here.
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Monday, April 23

Partial move...

Friday night we went out to El Dorado for Mr. Wonderful’s friend’s housewarming party.  Had some steaks and beers, it wasn't too bad.  We had to go to Wal-Mart for charcoal and we ended up dancing with these little girls outside, they were in a limo for one of the girls' birthday and were doing the cha-cha slide so we danced with them, me and Mr. Wonderful and his friend.   Some guy video taped us with his phone and was like "How does it feel to be the two gayest guys in America?  This is going on My Space."  Wonder where his girl was?  Haha. (if anyone finds this video, you must let me know.)    We slept at his sister's, so it wasn't like we were sleeping somewhere too strange.  I hate sleeping in strange places.  We were also supposed to get the fridge from his old house and strap it in the truck and bring it back with us on Saturday.  We got one fridge plugged in at his old roommate's house so it could cool and then we went back to the party.  Anyway, Mr. Wonderful got really drunk and was really hung over the next day.  We never did get the fridge.  I left the party early with his sister, she's pregnant and I was exhausted.  He walked to his sister's from the party.  So the next morning I had to go to the Kevin's and get his truck.  When I got back, he had already packed our stuff and we left.  We got home and played with the kids and they left with Tammy.  We took a nap then got up to go to his dad's and get the trailer so we could move some stuff.  We got in the car and realized that my phone and my contacts were both still in El Dorado.  Change of plans, we'll go to El Dorado and get the fridge and my stuff, because you KNOW I was in a panic without my phone.  So we go out there, eat at Arby's with his sister, her husband and their kid (I hate Arby's by the way), and then we go to his old house to get the fridge.  We have Kevin helping us and I'm just cleaning out from under the one we're taking and scooting the other one back in where it goes… well there's a shelf about head-high that holds the microwave and while I'm scooting and the guys are outside I hit my head on the shelf… well, I jerk forward, as one does when they get hit in the back of the head, and I smacked my face on the corner of the fridge.  My cheekbone and eye feel like they're going to explode and so I start bawling and I grab a towel of ice.  The boys were oblivious.  Anyway, so we head back to Ta-Town with the fridge in the back of the truck.  Me with ice on my face. 

Next week the move from hell continues….