How to Provide Excellent Customer Service

Read last week's installment here.
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Thursday, May 31


This guy just yelled at me up one side and down the other because our upgrades knocked him offline several times today and then after I asked him what he thought would be fair compensation for his inconvenience and I gave him twenty bucks off his bill he calmed down and started to laugh and said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, I guess I just needed my piece of butt for the day."  I said, "well, I'm happy to let you chew on mine."  He laughed even harder and said, "Thanks for being a good sport!" 

Wednesday, June 06

another sleepless night...

Sorry I haven't been posting over the last few days, I started some online classes and I figured I should waste my time at work studying rather than blogging.  I know you've been anxiously awaiting the next chapter in the wonderful saga that is my life. 

So last night I couldn't sleep... again... I haven't been able to stay asleep all night since last Friday.  It's like I wake up at 1 a.m. and just toss and turn and look at the clock until the alarm goes off.  It SUCKS.  Mr. Wonderful had to stay up a little later to watch some videos for the online class we're taking together (I already watched them, I'm a hard charger) so I went to bed with earplugs in.  But the cacophony of noises in my head was so loud and distracting that I couldn't fall asleep.  It was a sound reminiscent of breaking glass, rushing water, jingling keys, and coins falling into the coin jar.  All at once.  I tried a few different self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques, but to no avail.  I finally fell into a dreamless sleep but woke up when he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around me.  Not that I minded waking up to that.  I fell back to sleep briefly (so it seemed) and I woke up again to see that it was just after one and I was wide awake.  I tossed for a while, then the cat started meowing at the bedroom door so I had to get up and banish him to the laundry room.  That was about 4:30.  Then I tossed and turned some more until I saw it was 6:30, alarm going off in thirty minutes.  I'm just so miserably tired I can't stand it.  Tonight, we'll hit the harder sleeping meds.  The kids will be home, so I'll be ready to go to bed at nine.  Ha!

I don't know what's going on this week, but I have been getting hit on by customers!  It happens every once in a while, but this week has been crazy!  Must be spring, love is in the air.  "Anything else I can do for you?"  "Yeah, you can give me your number."  Ack!  I sent a test e-mail to one guy and I told him I was going to send it and he was like "attach a picture."  Um, NO!  Weirdos, man, I tell ya. 

Friggin trustee for my bankruptcy sent me a letter wanting the cancelled checks for everything I've spent my wages and income taxes on since January.  Like I have that crap!  I'm going to give them the bank statement and let those fuckers figure it out themselves.  Or let my lawyer do it.  What the fuck did I pay him for anyway?


Anyway... *ahem* so things have been going really well with the man.  We had that long talk the other night and even though I didn't think anything got through, the other day he asked if he was doing better about not being so critical of the kids.  He's just such a great guy, I really shouldn't bitch about him as much as I do, but how else will I let out my pent up aggression?  Look what happened last time.  I can't unleash them on him, poor guy wouldn't withstand the fallout.  So I'm trying a new tactic in this relationship and I'll just send the frustration out into cyberspace, get over it, and talk about it when I'm calm.  It seems to be working.  I never thought I could be this happy in a relationship.  I always told myself I was unhappy in the others because "relationships take a lot of work."  But the reality of it is, they really don't.  When it's right, you know it and it just falls into place.  There are some adjustments to be made of course, but nothing drastic.  When you start having to make drastic changes for one another then it just wasn't meant to be.  And I'm really glad he hasn't asked that of me and I can't imagine ever asking that of him.

Okay, so back to the grindstone, these people are slave drivers.  Ha!

In the next chapter we go back to the fun world of cable technical support…