Ways to Conquer Big Projects

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Monday, June 11

bug bites, bug bites, everywhere!

I have 25 mosquito bites from this weekend.  I'm not kidding, I made Mr. Wonderful count them for me this morning.  I got some of them Friday when I was outside putting the trampoline together and then watching Bug and his friends jump on it.  I got some at my friend's son's birthday party/luau/barbeque Saturday afternoon.  I got some Saturday night when Mr. W and I went to see Ocean's 13 and he got drunk and when we got home we laid on the trampoline and watched the lightning until it started raining too hard to keep our eyes open.  I got some Sunday when the kids were jumping on the trampoline before Tammy got there.  I stayed in the house the rest of Sunday because I was afraid of being eaten alive.  I have six of them in one spot on my lower back where my moon tattoo is.  Three of them in one spot on my calf.  I even wore bug spray at the party Saturday!  I am so itchy I can't stand it.

And I couldn't sleep again last night.  Again I woke up at around one a.m. and couldn't really go back to sleep.  Mr. W wants me to try some sleep-aids, but I'm just not sure I really want that nasty groggy feeling when I wake up.  I guess it would be better than feeling tired all day.

So Thursday night we went to Sumo's for Bug's birthday.  He played gameboy all through dinner.  *grr* 

Friday was the sleepover so we had to put his trampoline together.  We got so much done in the morning and then we started putting the trampoline together in the afternoon.  That sucker is HUGE and it took us FOUR HOURS to do it.  It amazes me how Mr. Wonderful and I can do something so mundane and still have a great time doing it.  It also amazes me how he just takes on these projects like they're just as important to him as they would be if it was his own flesh and blood child.  He is wonderful.  Bug's friends showed up and we had pizza and cake and ice cream and presents... He got a Ben Ten watch from Karen's kids and a football from his friend from school.  My mom gave him a Pokemon game for his gameboy and Mr. Wonderful and I both gave him books.  We were like "We thought you'd like books!"  He didn't whine about it and he just opened his Ben Ten watch and started playing with it.  Then I said, "Okay, let's go out back and throw your new football around."  So we trooped out back and there stands this behemoth of a trampoline and Bug stopped dead in his tracks.  It was so funny.  They had so much fun.  Mr. Wonderful is amazing with kids.

Saturday we sent the kids home, then we went to get my friend, Crystal's, son a present and went to his party.  It was a barbeque and a luau and we had a bunch of fun.  We took the kids to granny's and then we went home.  We were thinking about taking a nap and then we decided instead to go see a movie instead.  We went to the Old Town Warren and saw Ocean's 13, which was really good.  Mr. Wonderful got drunk on martinis and when we got home we laid on the trampoline and watched the lightning for a long time. 

Sunday mom brought the kids over and we let them bounce until Tammy got there.  Then we had homework to do all day.  Then we went to Target and got some crap, how we spent a hundred bucks at Target on like, three things, I don't know.  Crashed around eleven-ish. 

Tonight’s plans include washing dishes and doing laundry and reading for some homework assignments.  Thrilling, I know.  Anyway, my break is almost over, back to the grindstone.  I need to find a scratching post to rub against or something!  ACK! 

Tune in next week when I become technical support AND therapist…