Signs You Might (or Might Not) Be Over It

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Monday, September 18

Nap time...

I am such a slacker.  I just went to best buy and bought some CDs, ate some lunch (all by myself, which I can't believe I was able to get through), and now I am going to lay down for a while until it's time to get ready for work tonight.  I heard from PC this morning.  It was nice to talk to him.  But he's so over me, it hurts pretty bad.  I guess that's a guy thing.  Jason said it's just a gift guys have that they can just shut it off and not feel any more about it.  I wish I had that.  No, wait.  I don't.  The pain makes me remember that I'm alive.  And if I hadn't loved him so very very much, then I wouldn't hurt so bad.  So the pain is actually a direct proportion of the love I put into that relationship.  Which was a LOT.  So at least knowing I'm in THIS MUCH pain helps me know that I was truly in love.  BUT since it's over I have to work on feeling better and hoping I can make myself a better person.  Learn from the mistakes of this relationship and all.  You know.  Blah, blah, blah.  Okay, I'm going to lay down.  Nitey-nite.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

panic, panic, la la la

So I did some more outprocessing today.  Fun.  I was on my way back to my house when I started having a mild panic attack, and then I got a text from PC.  Premonition?  I have my appointment with Larry the Therapist today, I hope to get some advice on how to keep these attacks at bay.  My heart just pounds and I get really sick to my stomach and I can't stand myself.  Maybe if I took my medication a little more regularly.  It's an anti-anxiety med and I'm supposed to take it twice a day.  I am trying to remember to take it, but it's hard.  I should set up a reminder on my phone or something.  Ugh.  I feel like crap.  I'm going to go lay down for a bit before my appointment.  Maybe Larry the Therapist will help me.  Maybe I should start seeing him more often than once a week, I am pretty effed up.  We shall see.  Anyway, over and out for now.

Tune in next week to find out how Larry was able to help.

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