The Beginning of Healing

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Sunday, September 17

Enough now.

Well, I had an eye opening experience last night.  I went out with Cindy and when I got home I decided I had to talk to him.  STUPID, I know.  But after a really long conversation with him and some break-up sex I have some closure.  He has moved past our break-up and he is fine.  I need to work on being fine too.  It was a rough night, but I'm glad I did it.  I know now how he feels about everything and there is no doubt that it is over.  Doesn't make it hurt any less.  But I'll move on from here.  I don't know where the road goes, but at least now I found the start of it.  Now if I can just start moving.  It's so sad to me that it's over, but I need to realize that everything happens for a reason.  And as my mom says, "this too shall pass."  PC told me there's nowhere to go but up.  I guess he's right.  So here I go.  Enough now.

Sunday, September 17

Singing in the sun...

I got my finance outprocessing checklist done this morning, that's very exciting, I know... Now I have to balance my checkbook, which will prove to be quite depressing after all the moo-lah I paid out on last weekend’s shenanigans.  But the really, really good news is that I found myself SINGING today.  I was just walking into the housing office and I caught myself singing this song that I love and I think is so sexy.  It was cool to realize that I am feeling (at least a little bit) better about things.  I am going to go buy myself a guitar as soon as I have the funds and I'm going to learn some songs.  I need a hobby and PC always told me I was a natural at the guitar.  Not that I'm only doing it because he said that, I really like playing and after 22 years of piano lessons and not being able to play for squat, maybe I'll try something else.  Haha.  Plus a guitar is a lot less expensive than a piano.  AND on top of ALL THAT today is a BEAUTIFUL day and I am going to go enjoy some of it.

Sunday, September 17


I just put that new song on my profile and I LOVE IT so much.  It’s Angels & Airwaves, “The Adventure.”  The part about not being able to live or breathe "unless you do this with me" reminds me of PC.  But not in a sad way.  It just reminds me of how much we were in love and stuff.  Anyway, enjoy my new profile song.  The old one was The Wreckers "Cigarettes", a good break up song.  I have to go buy the A&A CD now.  Okay, I'm audi.

Check back next week for some hard core napping and love math.

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