The Importance of Privacy Settings

Read last week's installment here.
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Friday, September 15

Aw shit.

So I realized today that my setting either didn't stick or I changed it back or something and my blog was out there for all the world to see.  So he's probably been reading these, fucking stalker.  I went back and changed the more personal ones to "friends only" privacy on the blog and now only my friends can see the drama as it unfolds.  Or as it folds back up.  And goes away entirely.  Or whatever.  So if you've been enjoying the blog but you're not a friend, hit me up with an invite and I'll see you're worthy of the privilege that is reading my blog.  Thanks, and I'll still update the not-so-personal stuff for all the world to see.  But the painful stuff will be kept a little closer to the vest now.  Later taters.

Friday, September 15

I did it!

I'm a big girl now!  I got the tat altered.  And when I say "altered," I should say "covered."  I thought I had a picture of the original but I guess I don't.  That makes me kind of sad, but oh well.  Basically the old one was a heart and it has Prince Charming’s name under it.  I had a vine and flowers put around the heart, sort of a protection thing.  I was going to just leave the name there, because I meant it when I put it there.  But instead as he got ready to start I took a deep breath and said, "Can you just put like a leaf or something over the name?" and the artist did and it looks fantastic.  You can't even tell that's a name under there.  It was really painful, I have to admit.  Both physically and emotionally.  BUT, never one to let myself suffer for very long, as I got up to leave, I approached the tall skinny guy that worked there and I was about to ask him if he was seeing anyone when he said, "Do you want to hang out sometime?"  I laughed and told him what I'd been about to ask and I said, "So that worked out well for me" and he said, "Worked out well for both of us."  So we exchanged numbers and he said he'd call me next week.  Even if he doesn't, it's nice to know I'm still attractive to someone.

Friday, September 15

Oh and by the way

I look friggin fantastic today.  My hair kicks ass, my outfit looks so good, and I feel like a million bucks.

Next week the intense emotions kick back in.

How to Take Control of Your Emotions