Signs You’re Actually Getting Over Him

Read last week's installment here.
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Saturday, September 30

These are oddly fitting...

... and in no way should they ever be connected to one another, but here you go...

My horoscope the other day, after I went on and on about being an obsessed love addict, said, "You're not as obsessive as you think." 

Translation to Jessie's life: Yeah, you thought you needed him... but cha don't.

Mandee's daily bible verse today on her space said, in part... "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done..." (Gen 50:20)

Application to Jessie's life:  God gave me this PC disaster to help me realize that I'm a lot stronger than I ever thought I was.

Sunday, October 01

she wears batman pajamas

In my best Brian Fantana from Anchorman... "I am huuuung ovaaaah..."

Fun night out with my girlies, even though I didn't get there until eleven and they left at one.  I drank four big gold margaritas (the BIG BIG ones, haha) and I was pretty hammered.  Even though the band never did play "bad mamma jamma" or "roller coaster of love."  Bastards.  AND I missed "Hey Ya."  But whatev.  lol  Got to shake my booty and hang with my friends.  Had a great time.  AND, you guys will be so proud, I didn't drink and dial.  Or drink and text.  Or even drink and think about texting.  In all honesty, I can't remember thinking about PC at all.  Except when Amy wrote and said, "Don't call him."  Then my only thought was, "Not a chance."  I didn't even have to give my phone to someone.  I'm such a big girl.

I always said it would take a long time to get over him, and I still believe that.  I am still healing, but it's getting easier every day.  I still care for him deeply and I always will.  I will always miss what we had and I will always long to be near him.  But right now I am handling it.  I'm doing this on my own and I feel fantastic. 

Tonight is a floor set at work, so I will be in the mall until after two a.m.  Let's hope this one doesn't end with me going to jail.  HAHA!

Tune in next week, when PC makes an appearance and earns a new nickname…

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